December 2022
To All Participants in the NASI Welfare Fund
From the Board of Trustees
The Fund Remains Financially Stable
The Board of Trustees of the National Automatic Sprinkler Industry Welfare Fund is again pleased to report that the NASI Welfare Fund continues to experience stable financial conditions that permit the Fund to provide the coverage and benefits described below.
In general, the NASI Welfare Fund pays the following percentage for Level 1 benefits after you meet the individual deductible:
Fund Pays/You Pay
In-Network 80%/20%
Out-of-Network 60%/40%
100% Coverage
There are a few exceptions under the NASI Welfare Plan where 100% coverage is provided for In-Network services under all levels of NASI Welfare Plan coverage (without first applying the individual deductible). Among those exceptions are:
• MDLive (virtual doctor’s visits)
• Preventive Services required by law as listed on the Fund’s website at www.nasifund.org
• Routine annual physical examinations
• In-Network Medically Necessary colonoscopies
90% Coverage for Urgent Care
One of the factors contributing to lower-than-expected claim expenses may be that fewer people are using a hospital emergency room for diagnosis and/or treatment that can be addressed at an Urgent Care facility or even by MDLive. The NASI Welfare Fund covers In-Network Urgent Care charges at 90% (instead of the above 80% coverage level) and there is no deductible applied to Urgent Care. The 90% coverage level also applies to In-Network walk-in clinics such as CVS’ MinuteClinic.
To make it even easier to access medical care for our active and retired participants who are not yet eligible for Medicare, the NASI Welfare Plan provides 100% coverage for the telemedicine service; MDLive. MDLive gives you access to a physician, licensed in your state, any time of day or night; even on weekends and holidays. MDLive is appropriate for non-emergency ailments such as sore throat, asthma, fever, flu, as well as certain behavioral health issues. To encourage use of MDLive, the NASI Welfare Fund covers 100% of the cost of this service. While the cost of the “virtual visit” is covered in full, you will be responsible for costs arising from your “virtual visit”; things like your portion of the cost of a prescription drug that you received as a result of your telemedicine visit.
Sign up online now, before you need it. You might not feel like doing it when you are sick. Follow the link to the MDLive website you can find on the nasifund.org website or go to
Diabetes Care Management Program
A number of diabetics will be invited to participate in the Livongo Diabetes Remote Monitoring program. The goal of this program is to help these individuals lower their Hemoglobin A1C levels and, in doing so, avoid, minimize, or delay medical complications often associated with Diabetes. Participants in this program will receive a special glucose meter and unlimited test strips and lancets as well as access to coaches by telephone or, if preferable, by text. There will be no cost to those participating in this program.
Flu shots and other Immunizations
Remember to get your seasonal flu shot from your Blue Cross Blue Shield participating physician or at your local pharmacy that participates with Express Scripts. Most immunizations, including flu shots, are covered at 100% by the NASI Welfare Fund when using an In-Network provider.
Hearing Aids
Hearing aids are now covered for dependent spouses under the same terms and conditions the benefit is made available to the member. A hearing aid benefit of up to $1,200 is payable once every three years.
Hinge Health Program
Hinge Health gives you the tools you need to conquer back and joint pain, recover from injuries, prepare for surgery, and stay healthy and pain free. Their programs are available for active members and non-Medicare retirees, and eligible dependents at no cost. Plus, you can complete your customized care plan anywhere, any time. Contact Hinge Health at (855) 902-2777 or www.hingehealth.com.
Level 2 and Level 3 Benefits
The great majority of those eligible for benefits from the NASI Welfare Plan enjoy Level 1 benefits which include non-medical benefits such as dental, vision, disability, and life insurance. The NASI Welfare Plan also provides two other levels of medical benefits which have different deductible, co-insurance, and out-of-pocket maximum expense levels. Groups who have bargained for Level 2 or Level 3 medical benefits can also choose to bargain for some or all of the “additional” benefits: dental, vision, disability, and life insurance.
Effective January 1, 2023, the hourly contribution rates associated with these benefits are as follows:
• Level 2 Medical Benefits $8.22
• Level 3 Medical Benefits $8.12
• Dental $0.72
• Disability $0.09
• Vision $0.10
• Life $0.01
Pensioner Medical Coverage
Retirees with medical coverage pay a premium that is deducted from their monthly pension benefit. The amounts retirees pay are designed to cover 50% of the cost of retiree coverage.
Pensioners and beneficiaries who do NOT have Medicare Coverage
The monthly self-payment amount for pensioners and beneficiaries who are not yet eligible for Medicare will increase in cost from $910 per month in 2022 to $925 per month in 2023.
Pensioners and beneficiaries whose Local Union have a Retired Employee Subsidy Account (RESA) and who are eligible for their local union’s RESA will continue to benefit from their Local Union’s subsidy of the cost of their coverage.
Pensioners and Beneficiaries WITH Medicare
The monthly self-payment amount for pensioners or beneficiaries who became eligible for Medicare before 2002 will NOT increase in cost from $320 per month in 2022. The cost will remain $320 per month in 2023. Similarly, for those pensioners or beneficiaries who become eligible for Medicare after 2001, the monthly self-payment cost for coverage will NOT increase in cost from $370 per month in 2022. The cost will remain $370 per month in 2023.
Medicare-eligible Pensioners and Beneficiaries who are eligible for their Local Union’s Retired Employee Subsidy Account (RESA) will continue to benefit from their Local Union’s subsidy of the cost of their coverage.
Monthly Cost for Those Participating in NASI Welfare Fund through Participation Agreements
The monthly premium for the NASI Welfare Fund for those participating in the Fund through participation agreements (e.g. owner members) will be $1,832.00.
Better Medical Benefits for Medicare Retirees
Effective January 1, 2023, the NASI Welfare Fund is enrolling all Medicare-eligible retirees and dependents into a comprehensive Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug (MAPD) plan offered by Aetna®. Eligible medical benefits will now be covered at 100%, with no out-of-pocket expense, and coverage for prescription drugs will essentially stay the same (with a differently formulary). Importantly, the Fund has retained Labor First, a company that specializes in the ongoing member service of MAPD plans. If you have any issues with your physician, your prescriptions, or your coverage, or if you have any questions about the new Aetna® MAPD plan, please contact Labor First at 800-716-0774 or members@laborfirst.com. More importantly, you are still covered by the NASI Welfare Fund. Aetna® may now be responsible for administering your health and pharmacy benefits. However, the Fund Office will remain responsible for eligibility issues, retiree premiums, and all other benefits such as dental and vision.
Notification Requirement upon Divorce
Notice of your divorce must be provided to the Fund office within 60 days of your divorce.
If notice of your divorce is not provided to the Fund Office in this time frame, and as a result, benefits are paid to an ineligible Dependent, the Fund can recover those benefits by treating such benefits as an advance to you and deducting such amounts from benefits which become due to you until the entire amount of benefits erroneously paid is recovered.
Make Sure Your Beneficiary is Up-to-Date
Forms to designate or change a Beneficiary for your NASI Welfare Fund life insurance benefit, NASI Pension Fund Death Benefit (for active participants) and SIS Pension Fund death benefit are available on the Funds’ website, www.nasifund.org or by calling the Fund office.
Annual Reminder (as required by federal law) regarding Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act of 1998
The NASI Welfare Plan, as required by the Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act of 1998, provides benefits for mastectomy-related services, including all stages of reconstruction and surgery to achieve symmetry between the breasts, prostheses, and complications resulting from a mastectomy, including lymphedema.
Call the Fund Office at 1-800-638-2603 for more information.
Summary of Benefits and Coverage
A List of Preventive Services required by the Affordable Care Act effective January 1, 2023, can be found on the Fund’s website at www.nasifund.org
This notice is intended to address and summarize certain features of the NASI Welfare Fund. In the event there is any discrepancy between this notice and the official plan documents, the official plan documents shall apply. The Trustees reserve the right to amend the official plan documents at any time.
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